Chloe | My Babe | Pensacola, FL

Three has turned to four.  You’ve grown so much in a year.  You’re no longer a ‘baby’, you’re our ‘big girl’.  You are an artist and a Princess, you want to be a ‘ponycorn farmer’ (that would be a unicorn farmer for those of you reading this that may not speak Chloe), your brother is your best friend, and you are so much of me that I sometimes don’t know what to do with you.  You have an incredible imagination and energy that I only dream about.  Grandma says you’re just like I was at your age.  I am still not sure what that means, exactly.  I cannot wait to see what being a four year old will be like for you.  We love you, babe.

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Flower crown made with love by  The Flower Crown Society.

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February 10, 2015 - 8:04 pm

Stephanie Edreich Piscitelli - These are so beautiful. <3

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